
Showing posts from December, 2011

Droguri, Efecte

substanta obtinuta prin fermentarea fructelor, legumelor sau granelor; este tipul de drog cel mai folosit la ora actuala. EFECTE : psihice: reduce inhibatia; determina o stare de relaxare si buna dispozitie; lipsa de concentrare; slabirea judecatii; pierderea autocontrolului; fizice: tulburari respiratorii si cardiace; afecteaza reflexele si coordonarea motorie; sporeste riscul bolilor de ficat (in special ciroza); in cantitati mari : pierderea cunostintei, coma si chiar moarte se obtine prin uscarea, tocarea si prelucrarea frunzelor EFECTE : psihice: senzatia de calmare, de concentrare; relaxare fizice: ameteli, greturi si chiar varsaturi; bronsite; cancer, ulcer; afectiuni respiratorii, circulatorii, cardiace; arteroscleroza


Cafeaua se obtine din seminte de Caffea Arabica sau Cafeea canephora (robusta). Cafeaua Arabica este mai aromata. Exista peste 50 de soiuri de cafea care se cultiva in tari cu clima subtropicala, propice pentru cultura ei. Se cultiva in America Centrala si de Sud, Caraibe, Indonezia. Prefera inaltimile. Robusta se cultiva mai ales in Africa, dar si in America Latina. Fata de ceai, cafeaua a fost descoperita de-abia prin jurul anului 600. Se presupune ca la inceput boabele uscate au fost zdrobite si apoi fierte in apa.  Prajirea lor a fost descoperita mai tarziu, pe la 1000-1200. Prima cafenea in care se putea consuma cafea a fost infiintata in Constantinopol in 1415. Pe la mijlocul secolului XVI obiceiul de a bea cafea era raspandit in Egipt, Siria, Persia si Turcia; prin secolele XVI-XVII cafeaua a patruns si in Europa. Recolta de cafea din 2000-2001 a fost de circa 6,8 milioane tone. Consumul de cafea se ridica in Europa si America la circa 5,3 kg/persoana (2002),


The general terms for the organizations that produce and sell goods and services are business, enterprise, company, firm (US corporation). The word concern is used mainly to refer to a large organization. An enterprise is a property complex used for performing entrepreneurial activity. It comprises all types of property used for this activity including: 1.        plots of land 2.        buildings and constructions, highway transportation facilities and rail facilities 3.        equipment 4.                inventory 5.        raw materials 6.        products 7.        debts 8.        incorporeal rights (company name, trademark, service mark). The enterprise is an independent economic entity based on professionally organized workforce, capable of manufacturing products demanded by consumers using capital goods available. So, it uses economic resources for producing goods and rendering services for the purpose of satisfying social needs. The enterprise is an insti

Short Term financing

The seasonal financial needs of a company may be covered by short-term sources of funds. Businesses spend these funds on salaries and for emergencies. The outside sources of short-term funds are divided into secured and unsecured ones. Unsecured financing is financing that is not backed by collateral. A company seeking unsecured short-term capital has several options: they include trade credit, promissory notes, hank loans, commercial papers and commercial drafts. About 85 % of all US business transactions involve some form of trade credit. When a business orders goods and services, it doesn't normally pay for them. The supplier provides them with an invoice requesting payment within a settled time period, say thirty days. The usual repayment period is 30 to 90 days. During this time the buyer uses goods and services without paying for them. A company can use the trade credit as a source of savings. A typical trade arrangement is 2/10, net 30. If a buyer pays within 10 d