
Showing posts from July, 2012

List of gestures and their meanings

Facial Expressions  - With nervous laugh - anxiety and enthusiasm? - Covering of mouth - doubtful, unsure, lying, distorting truth, embarrassed to show missing teeth, or had been told to have bad breath - With folded arms or crossed arms/legs- defensive, closed, has tuned out - Cat that swallowed the canary look - slight turning of the lips in a faint smile - Look that could kill - Fish eye - Come-hither look - I'm available glance - Do-or-die look - looking straight at you, eyes wide open, lips tightly closed, eyebrow corners down, etc. - Choirboy look - capable, competitive, but cooperative - Downcast eyes, face turned away - you are being shut out - Poker face - no emotions, blank look, stoic, zero disclosure - Astonished look - eyes and mouth wide open, eyebrows raised - Blushing - shame - Frowning, with body erect, shoulders squared, fist clenched - indignant, defiant - Frowning, with eyebrows down, lips tensed and pushed a bit forward, tee